So today is the first REAL day of my vacation, somehow in my head. Though I’ve been officially off work since Tuesday, there were appointments and I had to go back in to work (unofficially) both Wednesday and Friday, and on Thursday one of my administrators accidentally locked the keys belonging to the OTHER administrator in the vault, which meant that without involving persons of the district level, I was the only one who had a key to get those keys…
Anyway. Vacation. If you’ve been around, you know that I try very hard to make my vacations productive. Often I fail.
That doesn’t stop me trying. So here we go, Doomy Summer of Editing DOOM, 2014 edition.
I need to have Damsel edited and off by the first of July. It’s my first NaNo, it’s a mess, and all past efforts at editing it have failed.
The first chapter of Flame needs a turnaround time of less than a day; it’s going up on TDP tomorrow. ETA: Flame goes to approvals tomorrow. Not posting yet. (yay! I love Flame.)
Guardian needs revising per suggestions, and sent off by June 21st. (Coincidentally, the day I’m going out of town, for a lovely week in the mountains YAY!)
I also need to do two book covers this summer, I think I need to re-do the TDP website (note to self: talk to other Turtleduckers. That was the plan, wasn’t it?) and I need to work on the ESP page for my union’s website.
And I want to re-do my own website.
Yeah, that sounds like enough to try and get done in the next less-than-two-months…
Damn. I better get to work.
Go go go! So glad you’re off for the summer. 😀 I can’t wait to read Flame and Damsel. Can’t think which story Guardian is, but I’m sure I’ll love it, too.
I just realized that my blog is in your links section! Guess I’d better get to writing it again, >_>
Turns out I had it wrong–Flame is NOT posting tomorrow. Whew!