Okay, so I sorta rick-rolled you there. I’m (sorta) sorry.
Things are going to be changing around here, hopefully for the better. If I make a change you don’t like or that breaks something, please tell me!
So why the changes? Well, for the longest time, I’ve been afraid of going too far with the actual selling of my books. What if I annoy people? What if they think I’m spamming them? I was so intent on keeping my personal and professional internetting apart that my website was almost completely separate from my blog. I even use a different CMS for each.
Well, not anymore. This will not be turning into one of those SELL SELL SELL sites (you know the ones, and so do I.) But I am going to be changing things up around here. You may have already noticed the theme change (one hopes 😉 .) I did that because as much as I liked the theme I just put up, it didn’t have the flexibility I figured out I require. This new one allows me to have a home page that does what I need it to do–greet new visitors and direct them to the books if that is what they came for.
The blog won’t be going away. It won’t become post after post of “you should really buy my books! Have you bought my books?” But some things will change, and features may show up here and there. Widgets may move around and page layouts change. Some incoming links may get broken. I’ve made a goal to read an article (give or take) a day on how to find my audience and make it easier for them to find me, and I’ll be enacting advice that I find good.
And, you know…if you were to maybe tell a friend or two about any of my books or stories that you’ve enjoyed, that surely couldn’t hurt…