Hi. I’m KD and I have a problem.
I never want to let a good site get away from me. Found it on Google? Great. But what if it doesn’t come up next time? Better bookmark it.
Bookmarks are great. I love bookmarks. Folder after folder, all over my browser, tier after tier…
I tried del.ici.ous, and then it went away. Trunk.ly was the same. Tumblr has helped some, but there’s still so much.
Mind-mapping software? Got it.
Names for your pet? Here.
Free online coding lessons? Yep.
Collection of night idioms? Here. Mexican Pumpkin Empenadas? Got that too. Even though I have a recipe box to save recipes on that site.
Yoga videos? Baby moose? Magic button? Yep. Yep. Yep.
SGA fanfic? deletionpedia? 3-D starmaps? PHOBIA LIST? Yes, yes, yes, and YES.
I’d ask for help, but they might try to take my bookmarks away. AND I NEED THEM.
Have you tried Pinboard? Like Delicious, but better. There is a fee, but it’s a one-time, upfront deal. And it’s less than $11. https://pinboard.in/