Kermit T. Frog Reporting from the New Job


Yeah, so maybe that says it all. But just in case…

I’m happy to report that I love my new job. The school is a neat place, much smaller than my old one, but better laid out–for me, at least. My office looks out into the main area, so I’ll never feel like I’m cut off from the people I’m there to take care of. My new boss likes my work, my new coworkers are lovely people, and the work is pleasant, meaningful, and well within my capabilities.

Honestly, it feels like a vacation (she said very quietly.)

That’s cool, though. One of the things my boss wants me to help with is growing the school. On Thursday twelve very special young people will come to us for their first day of school. By the end of the year, we’re hoping to serve twenty.

I tell my daughter when she complains that she doesn’t want a job that no one wants to work for a living. The trick is to find what you love doing. How’s the saying go? “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” The internet attributes the quote to a few people, among them Confucius and Marc Antony. And this guy says it’s bad advice. I say there’s nothing in the world that’s fun ALL the time (it’s even possible to have un-fun sex!) but that’s no reason not to do stuff you love as often as you can! And if you can get paid for it, all the better!†

So I say it’s the right choice for me. Do it because you love it, do it because you love who you’re doing it for, or–best of all worlds IMHO–do what you love for people you love doing it for.

I fully expect this is gonna be awesome.

†not advocating prostitution, for the record.

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