I am a girl of many enthusiasms. If this is your first time on my blog, you may not be aware of that. I suppose it’s possible even regular readers have missed my tangents on aquariums, rock-climbing, Civil War reenactors, my frequent forays into science, history, mythology…yeah.
KD has ADHD of the best sort.
So anyway. The aquarium plan is not abandoned. We went and acquired some furniture which we now have to absorb into how the house works, then we’ll be looking at how to make an aquarium fit into the living room and possibly into the child’s room. I’m trying to pace myself, rather than jumping headfirst into a potentially expensive hobby that could result in the deaths of several fish and my child’s faith in my ability to do things.â€
Anyway. Last week I rescued two small bonsai trees from WalMart. So I bought a book, and now I’ll need tools.
And today I went to the college bookstore and bought rocks. 🙂
I’m taking Cultural Geography, and Physical Geology. I got rocks.
Add that to Flame needing editing, my next Dream’verse novel needing editing, and the kid’s sixteenth (god help me) birthday coming up? This is going to be fun.
†who am I kidding? She’s fifteen. Mom doesn’t know ANYTHING.
Sixteen? O_O She’s only two years away from being a grown up!
I know! Isn’t it terrifying? She keeps bugging me for driving lessons, but I told her she has to pay for her own insurance, so that stalled her. But MOM, she doesn’t WANT to get a job. Like most people DO want to go to work.