So I’ve been a bit busy, what with homework and editing and the new job and all. In lieu of anything intelligent, have some scribbles from today’s notes:
Do we need to verify everything she says? Stop asking her to repeat herself! Effing record it if you have to.
ZOMG we’ll never be done. Only 9:17, lord help me.
Need to do
- Fix the rest of my website
- edit
- geology
- geography
- entertainment center
- dining room table
- Ravenclaw vet
- pay bills tomorrow
- Fix TDP Website
- Check on YMCA
- Pay Bills
Envisioning Srivasi curled in Jhi Bo’s coat, she curls around him to keep him warm. What an amazing thing. He really is amazed and awed by her. I don’t know that he’ll sleep at all, curled up in the wonder of her.
Did I just use “curl” three times in one paragraph? Yes. Yes, I did.
They go to a king and she walks in her true form. More impressive, make Srivasi look good. King wants his own lion.
Flame. I want there to come a day when loving Ryahled sets her free, him being hers does it. I don’t know how that looks.
Nemesis. How do I deal with Corey sleeping with her/others? Well, he’s a bit of a player… Except he means to devote himself to The One.
Really I just want to imagine Cut and Mute making out. >_>
Are you freaking kidding me? SHE JUST SAID THAT. Pay attention, or GTFO. I need to get the info and get back to work.
Assessment > Service Plan > Delivery > Recovery (more likely re-assessment, adjust service plan, delivery, re-assessment…but we’ll hope to get to recovery)
Mid-moment: “It’s the only thing I was ever good at.” (this is referencing James Scott Bell’s Write From the Middle which I’ll probably talk about tomorrow if I can find my brain.)
“Your mind cannot absorb more than your butt can endure.” HA!
So yeah. That was my day. How was yours?