I do this every year. Even the years that I insist I am not doing NaNo, that I’d be a fool to do NaNo, I am NOT DOING NANO.
Still I ponder what I might write for NaNo.
This year I want to do it. I miss doing NaNo and I want to do it, even if I have a book coming out December 1st.
Hey, I’ve got the book-publishing down, right? I know what I’m doing. And the writing 50K in a month? It’s a cinch. Why shouldn’t I do both at once? Along with taking two reading-heavy classes and working full time and raising a 16yo?
If it were easy, it wouldn’t be worth doing.
Yeah, I think this might be a mistake. But I’m still going to try it. So back to that question–
what am I going to write for NaNo?
As always, there are options. Most of them I’ve already started at least a little bit and that’s against NaNo rules, but I’ve explained before how I feel about that.
I really have a ridiculous number of options. I should, like, NaNo monthly until I finish some stuff. >_>
Oh, good, you have my problems. (At least I’m down to three options from the original 18?)
3 is better than 18! We shall suffer the decision-making together.
I’m doing it too. And like you I have no idea where I’m going to start with it. My husband seems to think that I can pick a random thing and write 50k about it. I don’t think he understands what I’m doing. So I’m sorting through my story ideas to find one that will talk to me all through November.
hee…silly non-writing humans. What are you supposed to do, write a 50k ode to the refrigerator?