I always do this to myself. I note a little bit of time in my schedule and go “ooh, I have time for ________!” And then I commit, and then something happens or I just get tired, and suddenly I’m over-committed. And something gets dropped.
Basic, simple picking up after myself is often the first thing to go. Internet-wise, that first thing is probably blogging. >_>
It’s all downhill from there. My plants don’t get watered. My cat has to harass for food. My kid gets snapped at, my housemate gets cutting remarks about how EASY it is to run the dishwasher (it is to me. It gives her trouble. I don’t blame her for not running it—unless I’m in the midst of being completely unreasonable. As I am, when I’m over-committed.) My desk gets messier, and my clothes pile up on the end of my bed. My friends start to forget what I look like.
Then I get through. I send the manuscript off to my editor, or I publish it if that’s where I am. I validate my words. I take a deep breath. I do my laundry, and go give my kid a hug, and apologize to my housemate. And I promise myself I’m not going to do that again. I can find short-term things to fill breaks in my schedule. I can keep taking classes forever, so there’s no point in overloading with two classes in a semester when I’m going to be publishing a novel. And there’s absolutely no reason to go ahead and decide to do NaNo on top of two reading-intensive classes, publishing a novel, and a period of intense family issues needing a lot of my time.
Nope. No reason to do such a thing to myself. >_>
I’m not publishing a novel next semester, or doing NaNo, so it’s totally okay to take two classes next semester.
In Other News
NaNo proceeds. I wrote nearly five thousand words yesterday, words that were badly needed. I’m finally figuring out who my people are, always an important part of the process. Once I know who they are, I know what horrible things to do to them. >_>
Haven’t touched the Even the Score edit. My original plan was to get NaNo done in the first two weeks (I’ve done it before!) and then give EtS a good going-over. That would mean writing about 39K more by…Friday. I think that is most likely not happening.
In other other news, I think some voters–some by voting, some by not–got themselves the Congress they deserve. I just wish they didn’t have to drag the rest of us down with them.