Turns out, oftentimes when you really need escapism is when you absolutely don’t have time to read. So one turns (if one is me) to watching Planet Earth while folding clothes, sorting, cleaning, scrubbing…
It’s the best I can do. I don’t have time to read, and I certainly can’t write or edit.
Some people can, or so I hear. Not me. When things are really bad, I can’t be creative. I can’t open that door. There are monsters beyond it, don’t you know. They knock and call me with endearments and promises, but I’ve seen some of what lies beyond that door. Enough to know that if I open it right now, all could be lost.
So I clean. And I watch nature documentaries where the worst anyone has to worry about is being eaten (there are far worse things, I promise you, than meeting your end in a sudden explosion of SHARK! from below.) And when I can, I sleep.
*sends so many hugs* Wish I could watch with you so I could point out the part in the Seasonal Forest episode where you can see the coastline not too far from my family’s cabin in Wisconsin. If you know what you’re looking for and are quick with the pause button.
*hugs again*