You know what, May? We’ve never been best buds. I know it. Where I grew up, May was the month BEFORE school was out. So there was all this glory and joy as the world came alive after April rains, and I had to trudge off to school. I resented you for that.
Then Mom died (not your fault, that was October) but you kept coming around with your stupid holiday, and her birthday, that often fell ON your stupid holiday. I disliked you a little more heartily. You could be such an awesome month! But it seemed like you worked to be a dick instead.
When I started working in public school here in Arizona, I liked you a little better. May was the last month of work before two months of glorious freedom! I loved it. But alas. It was not to last. You, May, had to resume your jerkitude.
My husband died, black-marking another day in May. The day after my mother’s birthday, in fact. That often falls on Mother’s Day. Just to make sure that the second week in May would ALWAYS be sucky, probably enough to overlay the entire month.
This year, though? This year, May, you have gone above and beyond. Your treatment of my family and friends in just this past week has been utterly apalling. It’s effing ridiculous and I think you need to be called out.
F— you, May. Seriously. Kiss my a##.
As my kid would say, you wanna go?
*sends you ALL THE HUGS* *and a flamethrower guitar because I hear that those are a thing now*
Right there with you. Both my parents died on May 5th, and my boyfriend on May 13. Only good thing in May is birth of one grandson. The rest of the month can take a hike. Hugs.