You know when you have too much stuff to do, so you can’t get yourself to get started on any of it?
That’s me. I’m right there. Does it matter that most of it is stuff I really want to do?
Does it matter that the consequences of not doing the stuff range from meh to seriously this could get dire do this wtf?
So I’m taking it in itty bitty chunks, interspersed with watching Ghost Adventures while I bounce on my new trampoline, getting my step-count.
Love love LOVE the new trampoline, btw. I got it on Amazon for about $40, and suddenly I’m getting my step-count in my room, watching Things Go DUDE in the Night. Instead of what was happening, where I was over-watching Ghost Adventures (because I didn’t have to do anything to earn it–you start only watching TV while actively exercising and see if you don’t start watching a lot less!) and maybe getting to 75% of my step-count if I was lucky, pacing up and down the not-very-long hallway while stepping over cats.
I’ve had the trampoline for two days, and it’s made my step-count fun again. That doesn’t mean I’m bored with my walks and exploring the lake and park and desert– it means I can get my step-count without MELTING ZOMG.
So anyway. Pay three bills, bounce and watch Ghost Adventures. Zak fall down go boom. KD gets tired, gets off the trampoline and enters the bills into her new budget spreadsheet. Goes to check on interest rates, for entry into same. Gets stressed out, goes back to trampoline, watches Zak lunge into a crawlspace because he thinks there’s a ghost hiding in there.†
In Other News
The Goodreads Group M/M Romance is posting free stories from the Love is an Open Road event. My Give an Inch will be among them soon.
I made it to Rivendell! That was 458 miles, and now on my way to Lothlórien. At 572 miles, I’m a week out of Rivendell, in the empty lands.
While walking to Lothlórien, I’m also doing CampNaNo, working on the first TDP edit (meaning I’ve edited it myself, but this time I have the opinions and suggestions of the marvelous Siri Paulson) of Hiro the first. I’m really excited about it! Can’t wait to share the Keeper’verse with everyone. But since it’s the biggest job on my plate right now, it’s at the bottom of my do-this-now list. Which is Not Good.
Speaking of bottom (ha! Grave, get it? Bottom?) have you checked out Erin Zarro’s Grave Touched? You really should. It stands alone, so grab it first and I bet you go back for Fey Touched. Or get Fey Touched first, while it’s still on sale.
Right, so I think I’m about due for some dudebros jumping and shouting at sudden noises.*
† Not in the same episode.
* Yes, I’m often laughing at them, but it’s affectionate laughter! I love Ghost Adventures. But that’s a whole other post. And this is a post. So there’s one thing off my to-do list, yay!