Remember when I walked to Rivendell? Well, Elrond was lovely, and there were lots of VERY friendly elves and it was great and all, so now I’m heading for Lothlórien to compare…friendliness, yes. I’m currently at 300 miles out of Rivendell, coming back down Caradhras with the Fellowship after the snowstorm. Aragorn is clearly into Frodo, but Sam will kill him if he tries anything.
Still eating overnight oatmeal nearly every day during the week, and sometimes on the weekends. I’m not making mason jar salads as often as I would like, mainly because I haven’t figured out how to vary it day by day without buying a TON of produce that will just be thrown away.† So I haven’t mastered healthy eating yet, but at least I’m eating WAY more veggies and fruit than I used to. And less carbs, and the carbs I do eat are healthier. That’s progress.
Yeah, haven’t even looked at the weekday vegetarian thing. I’ll find a recipe today before we go grocery shopping.
Work–can’t recall if I mentioned, but we moved my school to a new building about a week and a half before school started, and then we started up on time accepting twice as many students as we had last year. It’s been amazing but hectic, and I am definitely a LOT closer to Lóthlorien than I would be otherwise because the new campus is spread out and I’m all over it all the time. It’s also been challenging due to a shortage of keys that means I or my boss, one or the other, has to be on campus if anyone else needs to be there. So tons of work + need to let other people work = long-ass days.
Editing. Well…I’m trying. It’s hard when your brain seems to have taken up permanent residency elsewhere. See “long-ass days.”
But hey. You know what I’m most excited about? In the last six months, I’ve lost forty-eight pounds. FORTY-EIGHT.
48, 48, 48, 48…
Not really sure why I’m so excited about 48 as opposed to, say, 43, but I am. It’s an awesome number. I’m so thrilled. Think I’ll go jump for joy on my trampoline! (And then get back to editing.)
How’s things with you?
† Sure, I could go to the grocery store every day. That way leads to lots of spending!
48 pounds! Huzzah!!!
Thank you!