So remember when I said I was taking Human Origins and Pre-history? They canceled it. The day before the semester started, I got a call that it was canceled. At midnight that night I would be withdrawn from it, so on the first day of the semester I could sign up for something else.
Thanks, guys.
I had made a list of classes I wanted to take, and sections of those classes that would fit into my schedule. When I went back to my list, most of the classes I wanted were full (a couple astronomy classes had space, but the books were $300!) So I went for a section not on my list, not seeing until I was registered that there was a reason I hadn’t put it on my list.
It was an accelerated class. It was the History of Western Civilization I, and it was an Eight. Week. Class.
10,000 years of pre-history, through the Renaissance. In eight weeks.
This girl is no quitter. I tried. I tried hard. But when I realized that in the first week, along with reading a hundred pages of the book, taking two quizzes, writing three VERY in-depth discussion posts, and pondering the “digital artifact” that would be due in eight weeks, I looked at the schedule of work and found I had a paper due Wednesday…a paper that had to meet a rubric that was three pages long…
Yeah, no. I dropped the class.
Don’t get me wrong. That much history should be a hard class. And if you’re not going to go deep, why even take it? It was the eight weeks part that wasn’t going to work for me. As my roomie put it, “why do they even OFFER Western Civ as an eight week course?”
Why indeed?
So anyway. Still taking Learning How to Learn. Signed up for nice, nearly full semester (and also no homework) yoga. Once I get Hiro done, I’ll edit Flame. Then October back with Hiro, and November will be NaNo, and life will be good.
And if I get bored, I’ll just do more Spanish. Or take another Coursera course. Or sign up for Western Civ in the SECOND eight weeks of the semester.
Okay, probably not that.
In Other News
I know it hasn’t been long since I was dancing about having lost 48 pounds, but now it’s 50 and I’m dancing again.
My story Give an Inch is up on the Goodreads M/M Romance group. I wish I’d written it longer. Maybe I will at some point.
Sometimes sanity does in fact trump schoolwork. (Also, Yoga~!) *glomps and dashes off to read your goodreads story* XD