This week my daughter turned seventeen. I’m not sure 1) how she can be seventeen already and 2) exactly how she’s managed to survive this long. But she got cake and ice cream and the first three games of Mass Effect, so I expect I’ll have some relative peace for a while. That’s excellent, because I’m doing a final edit on Hiro, flailing about a cover, and flailing some more about hitting NaNo out of the park as soon as I am done editing and publishing.
Also I’m getting grumpy with myself because BIRTHDAY CAKE and lots of desk-work mean I’m not losing at the rate I was. (Well, I do just fine–and then I have a couple bad days and undo the last week of work. >.< )
Anyway! ‘Tis October, and later today I am going up the mountain with a friend, and we shall walk and take pictures (rocks! Leaves! Surely the THOUSANDS of pictures of each that I have already are not enough!)
It will be marvelous. And the rest of this month–nay, the next SIX TO EIGHT MONTHS!–I will be able to get out and walk and explore lots, as it will not be hotter than the Armpit of Hell out there. We supposedly hit 101° on October 1st, which is ridiculous but next week there’s a day that’s predicted to be in the seventies! All day long!
On the healthy eating front, this morning I added frozen kale to my egg-veggie-cheese scramble. It could be the first time I’ve ever eaten kale. I think I liked it! More experimentation will be required. That, along with the BIRTHDAY CAKE finally being devoured by the child and the housemate should make this next week easier for progress towards my goals. Onederland by Christmas!
In Other News
The traditional sneak peek for Burning Bright is up on Turtleduck Press. I am so excited about this book, you have no idea. And every time one of my editors says something awesome about it, I get more excited.
November 1st. I hope you’ll check it out.