So I do this sometimes in NaNo. I switch stories because I didn’t plan enough on the first one, or I’m not feeling it, or I’m just Way. Too. Stuck. It’s always a hard decision to make–am I really stuck, or am I giving in right before the muses were going to give me something really good?
I’d first intended to write about Lukas and Alan. Then I thought, why jump universes when I already had Keeper’verse in my brain from all my Burning Bright editing? So I changed my planned project to the third book of Hiro’s trilogy. But in the past week I’ve figured out that really wasn’t going to work. The third book has to fit the first two, naturally, and though I’m VERY familiar with what’s in the first book, the second…yeah, not so much. I wrote the second book a few NaNos ago, and I’ve barely touched it since. That means I don’t really know what’s in it (and what, of that, I’m keeping) so it was very hard to get anywhere on the third book. So I gave up for now, and grabbed something else.
As of last night, I’m attempting an urban fantasy with a ragtag group of accidental Ghostbusters sort of. They’ll be stuck in a motel–or possibly a bed and breakfast? Anyway, stuck somewhere trying to survive bad things, I think. And that’s all I really know about the plot. The characters, though–I’ve got some great characters in mind.
I’m really enthused! At the very least, I get to spend some quality time with these guys and create the beginnings of a novel that should be tons of fun. With luck, I’ll come out the other end of NaNo with an actual novel. That rarely happens when I go in with this little planning–but it DOES happen. Sometimes. It could happen again.
And when I’m done with this month, I’m going to spend some time tidying things up. I’ve got a novel or six that really need to be fixed.
Wait, have I said this before? I think I’ve said this before. >_>
This time i mean it. No more six-month-long writing vacations. I don’t even want to go that long without any serious writing–it just seems to happen. But not anymore. This is the year that KD gets her stuff together.
What do you mean, starting “this is the year” in November is probably not the best plan?
Anyway. Words. Happening.
You’re gonna love Ravyn Wyng Starcrossed. 😀
Now I must go write the thing. <3
In Other News
Burning Bright. Magic, monsters, danger, sex… You could win a free copy here!
Ooooh, sounds fun! *glomples*
Hi! Good to see you! Hope you’re feeling tons better. *glomples back*