Okay, the parts of the Tucson Mountains that I’ve been climbing are not that high. But they are enough for me (for now) and they are great fun.
Did you know geologists actually call the mountains around me the “Tucson Mountain Chaos?” For a long time people apparently wondered where the heck these mountains came from, as they are very odd. Now the theory goes that the Catalina mountains (which are proper mountains–they get snow every year!) are actually the remains of a huge volcano–and the Tucson Mountain Chaos is the ash and stuff from the top, that somehow…broke off and slid over to the west a few miles…?
I dunno. I like the theory, and apparently it has some good science behind it.
I like the mountains too, and the fact that they are RIGHT BEHIND ME.
That means I can take off for a two-hour walk and climb a mountain.
After 8,000 steps and 16 floors climbed (according to my fitbit) I came home and ordered my birthday present†–hiking poles and a hydration backpack. I really like hiking alone, you see, but I’m not the most agile of persons. I totally didn’t fall on my way up or down the mountain, but there were a few times it was a close thing. So I figured, hiking poles. And a hydration pack because carrying a water bottle while keeping my camera handy is a pain in the backside, but it’s Arizona. I’ve GOT to carry water, and the farther I go the more I need to carry.
In other news, that post title has this song in my head, and now I miss John Denver.
†yes, the opal was my birthday present to me. Sshh. I get two three presents. Don’t tell.