I haven’t done any actual scientific data collecting, but I’m of the understanding that a lot of us mean to do things we never get around to, but then go ahead and do a lot of things we never meant to do.
Attaining level 37 on Candy Crush instead of working on a term paper, for instance. Wandering into the kitchen for a snack instead of dealing with a prickly email, maybe.
Reading about our galaxy maybe being a wormhole or octopi being basically aliens instead of writing books, for instance. And did you see this amazing cave? Oh, and there’s a whole streaming service for the eternally curious and–
So anyway. New initiative in casa de KD! Use more Spanish than “casa de KD.” >_>
Y también, escribo más.
And also, write more.
I’ve started exchanging daily emails with accountabilibuddies. You may know them–in their super-hero guise, they are Erin Kendall Zarro, Kit Campbell, and Siri Paulson, of the League of Extraordinary Turtleducks.
I’m going to be checking in here, too. Over the years I seem to have grown a HUGE procrastination problem, and it needs to GO. So I’ll ask you to arm yourselves from the weapon pond if I’m not stopping by here regularly to talk about my progress.
So far today I’ve hiked eight miles (Sabino Canyon FTW!) and written a blog post.
Ooh, the weapon pond! *teaches some starfish to applaud progress* And I love the “League of Extraordinary Turtleducks”. 😀
Applauding starfish? Now there’s an image. XD
Hmmm, no blog posts for 14 days now. *wanders over to the weapon pond* *eyes fish* *pokes KD*