So back in the spring semester, remember me talking about my yoga class? Looking back I see I didn’t say much about it here, but trust me. There was a yoga class. I loved it. My teacher was awesome, and in something like twenty sessions got me doing stuff I wouldn’t have believed I could do in five years. I mean, inversions. (Don’t tell–she’s not supposed to teach them in that class. But as she said, technically downward dog is an inversion, and how are you going to teach yoga without downward dog? And once you’ve crossed that line…anyway.)
Awesome yoga teacher. I’ve missed yoga since the semester ended, so I kept thinking about taking a class at one of the centers around. Then my gym opened and I thought I’d go there. But they scheduled their one and only yoga class right when I have to be on the other side of town every week.
So I planned to take a class at one of the other sites. With my premium membership ($20 a month! Wow!) I can do that.
Yesterday I was walking into the class, telling myself if it was too hard I would leave, but it wasn’t going to be too hard because Casey was awesome and taught me how to do stuff and it was going to be super cool but I was worried anyway because I do that and then–
And then Casey tapped me on the shoulder. She was the teacher. 😀
She was auditioning to be a regular sub for my gym. I made sure that the lady supervising her, the front desk, my home gym’s front desk, and all of Twitter (that follows me, anyway, and also I @ed my gym) knew just how awesome she is.
So with luck, I’ll have my favorite yoga teacher ever, teaching at my gym!
OmiLork, that’s AWESOME! I didn’t realize she was *your* yoga teacher. Here’s hoping you get her/she gets the gig at your gym. *glomples*
Here’s hoping! *glomples back*