You know what they say about good intentions…
I’ve been having a helluva time getting any writing work done lately. I’ve tried anything and everything to do better–work at McDonald’s, go to Panera, favorite hangout of the NaNo crowd, word wars, shutting off the internet, lock myself in my room and snarl viciously at anyone who dares interrupt…but on top of my inner issues, STUFF keeps coming at me from outside. STUFF that must be dealt with. NOW. Or else bad things. Seriously, man. Bad. Things.
And if I do manage to get some actual writing time with me and my computer (or even notebook!) in the same place, then my muses don’t show up.
Yes, I’ve mentioned before that I’m a firm believer in write, and the muse will appear. But there’s only so much pushing against absolute dead weight one can do. Especially when all the carp keeps landing on you from every direction, demanding your attention with horrible threats of what will happen if you don’t do this other thing instead of that awful terrible thing that isn’t working anyway.
TL;DR — it’s been awful, so today I tried something new-to-me. I planned to get up at 5 a.m. even though I don’t write well in the mornings (long experience has taught me the futility, not “I don’t like getting up, whaa.”) Because even if I only got ten words, at least I would have ten words. And no one will be around to have emergencies at 0500. There’s nothing useful I could be doing instead at 0500, so that could shut up the guilt voices. And if I can just build a routine…
So I set my alarm for 0520Â as an intermediate step (usual get up time being 0620). Gonna do it, I’m so gonna do it, this is gonna work…
This morning I got out of bed at 0547. Despite looking at the clock at 0430, 0511, and 0519. Somehow in that minute I apparently dropped off enough that I slept through my alarm for the next 27 minutes.
No big. It’s a work in progress. I’ll get better. Still plenty of time to write. I made coffee and sat down at my desk. Which was…completely dark?
Damnit, the kittens must have stepped on the power button of the uninterruptible power supply again. Which, let me tell you, is ridiculous. Why is that damn button so easy to turn off? Does that seem “uninterruptible” to you?
Anyway. Crawled under the desk and turned it on. Turned my computer on. And the damn UPS starts screeching.
I don’t know wtfish there. It’s like it wasn’t charged, but it SHOULD be charged, it’s been plugged in and the house power hasn’t gone out! My desktop did come on, but that SCREECHING…
Anyway, again. I am determined! I will not be denied! I decided I’ll deal with that later. Grab my netbook and take my coffee to the living room.
Except…all my notes are on the other computer. In Scrivener, which doesn’t play well with Dropbox, so I can’t just pull the file up here unless I saved it in a ZIP file to Dropbox last time I used it, which I didn’t. Oh, and also there’s a paper somewhere. Last seen in the mouth of a kitten. No, I think I rescued it, but where did I then put it?
I will not be denied. Turn on my netbook which takes forever to boot up. Go to 750words after forever, and try to remember a scene I need to write.
Get distracted by touchpad bouncing my cursor all over the fishing place.
I don’t even remember at what point I said screw it, I’ll just write a blog post because I really need one of those too.
So here. Blog post.
Sorry, that's all I've got right now. Hope things settle down to a good pattern for you very soon.