(Vague spoilers several paragraphs down for the movie hinted in the title. Even though that line isn’t actually in the movie!)
I know a lot of people who are cursing 2016, especially since we lost our beloved princess/Senator/General/slave who choked her captor with the chain he meant to keep her with. I’m definitely one of them. It was a hard year for me before a combination of chicanery, stupidity, and sexism elected a POTUS who will do his damnedest to destroy all the US is supposed to stand for. And then to lose the marvelous Carrie Fisher, wonderful in so many ways, and so young…
“Give me your poor, your tired, your–nah, screw it. Lemme send back the ones I already have.”
Oh, I could rant, believe me. But this post isn’t about that.
Anyway, that’s a good part of why I haven’t been around. I’ve been avoiding the internet in order to not sink into seething, impotent rage. I’ve been avoiding my computer in order to avert my habit of wandering onto the internet. I’ve been focusing on the work in front of me, and just letting the rest go, because what can I do?
But “what can I do?” isn’t me. “All that is required for evil to win, is for good men to do nothing.”
One reason I love stories so much is that they sometimes save me. Les Miserables has had a strong influence in my life, inspiring me to both compassion and courage. Aliens has long been my go-to movie when I need help–I love to watch it and remember my life isn’t so bad. There’s also the badassery on full display, with Ripley inspiring me to take on whatever is after me in my life. For years I read the Lord of the Rings every year, soaking in the awesome until I could quote whole scenes at you. (Don’t try me, I doubt I still could.)
LOTR is full of glory and wonders and grand people, but remember it’s the quiet, stubborn courage of Sam, who just won’t stop helping Frodo in whatever he needs to do, who saves the world. Our world could really use a Sam Gamgee or two right now.
Last week, when I really needed it, I found another such story: Rogue One. Holy wow, I love that movie. I will own it as soon as it is ownable, I’ll tell you that! I’ve already seen it twice despite way over-spending on Christmas.
I took my kid the second time, and it traumatized her. I don’t see it that way, though. I see the hope in the ending.
I’m easing back into this internet/writing thing so I’ll just end here instead of expanding. But take warning, evil people–I have a Jyn Erso poster and three Rogue One t-shirts, and I may not be able to beat you, but I am damn sure not going to let you hurt people unchallenged.
Rebellions are built on hope.
<3 <3 <3 Glad to see you back lady. Thanks for the link. I have no brain at the moment, so here, have some more <3 <3 <3 <3 <3.
Hello, dear and marvelous person! <3 back at you! Sorry I missed your birthday. 🙁
Hope it was fantastic.
It was indeed. Dinner at On The Border with free b-day queso. Yum! And tonight we went to an Ice Hogs hockey game (minor league). And they won! Despite being in last place in the league! So definitely fun times.
<3 <3 <3