It happens every time I have a deadline looming near. I can’t stop thinking about all the things I want to do, but really don’t have time to do. Not if I want to be done on time! Or even be close to being done on time!
I add that disclaimer because I am not going to be where I want to be by the end of today. I’ve taken the day off work to try, but I know that it won’t happen. (Partly because I’m putting in the time to maintain my 750words streak, but ssh. That’s important.) I won’t be where I want to be by the end of tomorrow, either. Even a few more days, as generously offered by my editor, isn’t going to do it. So, in the immortal words of Elsa, I will let it go.
Only because it’ll come back to me. I will get another crack at this edit, with Siri Paulson’s suggestions to help me get this book in shape.
But! The deadline has not yet arrived. So I can’t in good conscience do the things yet. However, I will.
- Wonder Woman– I want to go see Wonder Woman. I’ve never been a big fan, but it wasn’t because I didn’t like her. I’ve never felt much affinity for the more talked-about DC heroes (Superman, Batman) so I didn’t stumble across Wonder Woman much. I mostly stuck to the X-Men, in reality. (Storm and Kitty Pryde, and Phoenix, and Rogue…) But I want more women-led, woman-directed movies, and THIS one seems to be hitting it out of the park, so win/win and I will go.
- Flandrau Planetarium– I jumped on a Groupon that got me a year’s membership to the local planetarium. I get to wander the museum whenever I want, and pay something like $1.50 to go to planetarium shows. I intend to use this a few times in June!
- Unpack! — yeah, it’s not high on my list, but BOY does it need doing. I haven’t been able to use the carport since we moved in because it’s full of STUFF. So is every corner of the house, but the closets are mostly empty because we don’t want to lose stuff (actually I think it’s because I stopped stuffing stuff in closets just to get it out of the way, and no one else was doing that.)
- My Room– I’m really excited about my room, you guys. When we were loading the truck to move, a friend picked up one of the pieces to my bed and it fell in several more pieces, coming apart in ways it was NOT supposed to do. Bad timing (who wants to spend lots more money while moving?) but no loss otherwise. It was a cheap daybed frame I bought eight years ago used for $100. It had ~had it~ and I do not miss it. I do miss not sleeping on a mattress on the floor. I pulled an oblique muscle (I’m told) in the gym a while back, and I am not terribly flexible at the moment. Getting up off the floor after lying still for 7-8 hours is not easy for me. But! My bed is winging towards me at the speed of IKEA. Wayfair is sending me a mattress pad, new pillows, and new sheets. I bought a full-size bedspread a while back (18 months, cough) because i loved it and because I meant to get a full-size bed soon. AND NOW I WILL HAVE IT. And decorative pillows with sea life on them because how could I not? I AM SO EXCITED YOU GUYS.
- Ahem.
- Read Some Books– I have a couple books friends have loaned me that I need to read. I need to acquire the last Temeraire book and read the penultimate book and then the last book. I have a writing book I bought on a deal–Creating Character Arcs–that promises to help me figure out how best to plot my arcs through trilogies and series. Like the one I’m working on now!
- Watch more movies– I want to watch Rogue One about six more times. NEED to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2. I want to watch Pacific Rim again, and Ghostbusters Answer the Call. And The Force Awakens. Yes, want to see that again…and (whispers guiltily) Baywatch. I have such a soft spot in my heart for Dwayne Johnson, and Zac Efron too, so I shall have to see it even if it’s a complete and utter waste of an hour.
- Hang out with my kid– she’s actually missing me. I should take advantage of that. (actually, it’s occurring to me that she only seems to miss me when I am deep in a deadline. She doesn’t want to hang out when I’m not! So maybe I should lie to her about deadlines in order to spend time with her?) (Oh, hey–I’ll take the kid to see Baywatch along with WW and GotG2. Quality time, hopefully with little complaining!) (I love her, but she’s a CONSTANT FONT OF NEGATIVITY and driving me up the wall right now.)
- Also, I want to go swimming. And wander the park so near my new house. Get into gardening. Get my house set up just how I want it. Fix some things. BLOG MORE. Clip my toenails. Stuff like that.
But right now I’ve passed 750 words, so I gotta go edit.
I hope you have a lovely June! And that you don’t have to leave the a/c too often (since I lollygagged on my way to making this comment and have now read your /next/ blog post as well).
I love the bedding! Not only will Skidoo feel right at home, you can now actually sleep comfortably in your weapons pond! 😉
Glad you made it to Wonder Woman (3 times! Go you!) Hope all the rest lives up to your expectations just as well as that did.