We have come, my friends, to that Time of Year again. When all I want to do is hide in my house. No, I don’t want to go out. No, I don’t care if the sun just came up. As I left for work today at 7:30, it was eighty-three freaking degrees outside.
I ask you. Does that seem remotely reasonable?
It’s days like these that I miss having my summers off. Yeah, I was broke (two months without pay will do that) but I could sleep all day. The kid and I would get up in the afternoon, go swimming in the evening, stay up all night when it was nice, and sleep through the day each with a box fan on high a foot away from her head.
Reminding myself I love my job, I love my job…because I really do. That has nothing to do with my not wanting to leave my house.
Is it October yet?
Although…I did leave my house to see Wonder Woman. Three times.