Rookie Mistakes

I avoided the chat rooms last night, and spent a long time in an IM for technical help, so I don’t have anything new. Guess I’ll report my most embarrassing online moments, then.

I scared a young lady earlier this week. I used search on the message boards, using ‘creative writing.’ I found a message and responded to it, about more places to put your writing. Then I noticed I was in the teen section. So I posted an apology and left. Later I got an e-mail from her. She asked my age, and I told her. She e-mailed back anyway. Later she IM’d me when I came online. In talking, I stated my age again. She very politely disconnected. I can’t blame her for being suspicious, but it kind of hurt. Guess it’s just the times we live in.

Speaking of blunders, last night I got mail from a stranger asking simply, “How old are you?” I asked who was asking, and received a first name in response. I replied, “That tells me a hell of a lot. Why are you e-mailing me?” I didn’t get an answer, so I checked the profile of the screen name, and learned that “T” was a fellow Arizonan, and single. So here’s notice, T–that is not the way to get a lady’s attention! You might start with something like Hi, I see you live in Arizona… You might also have checked my profile, and seen that I’m married.

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