
I hate when I feel like I haven’t written enough.  Here it is, Sunday, and I’ve barely accomplished anything.  Again.

And no, I won’t be listing laundry or TV watching or grocery shopping.  What I needed to do was write.  And while I spent much of the weekend trying to get it done, I accomplished very little.


Sometimes I feel like I’m not getting anywhere and I never will.  It makes me want to go to bed and not get up ever.

Damn, but I need to get published.  Need to get Taro back from my betas and get it out there.  Get Flame written and edited, get Rafe edited…

More time.  I need more time.  A friend mentioned her “Sunday night Godzilla Rampages” today and it resonated far too well.  I do that too.

Who cooked up this miserable world, anyway?  I have a talent.  Honest.  Why can’t I use it to make my living?


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