I’m running out of time on Hiro II. I’m actually overdue–the manuscript should have been sent to fellow TDPer, the awesome and patient Erin Zarro, on Friday. But we’ve talked and I’m still working and that is a thing I will not get down on myself about. It’s important to both of us (to all of TDP!) to get the book right.
Working at my desk, for whatever reason, has been hard. I think it’s because I need to do some free-ranging thinking to get everything to come together properly, and my desk (perhaps all desks?) inhibits that. Don’t know why. I don’t have a rigid system there or anything.
But whatever. I’m curled up on my bed with my cat and a pile of stuff I might need including a hundred note cards, three different pens (a black pen, a back-up black pen, and a red pen) a highlighter, post-it flags, a remote connection to my desktop where the Scrivener file is… I’ve got my Hiro II playlist on, which seems to be heavy in Evanescence, Lacuna Coil, and Florence and the Machine. The blinds are open enough to give light but not enough to let what’s outside the windows distract me.
I love my room, y’all. I love my bed. My cat is cute and fluffy. I love this story.
Let’s do this.