So…I have a confession. I’m a great big geek (I’ve mentioned that before, that’s not the confession) and Star Wars is where it started for me (also not the confession), but I haven’t watched The Last Jedi yet. (that was the confession.)
Part of that is because I don’t like to jump into the wildness of seeing really big movies on opening night and such.
Part of it is that I’m a great big whomping coward. Luke Skywalker was my first love, and…well, let’s just say while I’ve (miraculously) avoided specific spoilers, I’ve got a bad feeling about this movie.
So I haven’t watched it. I bought it, because I knew I had to own it, but I haven’t watched it. Even this weekend, which I mostly spent with my leg propped up due to a recent bout of dumbness (I’m fine, and will be fine) though I put TLJ in the DVD player, I didn’t turn it on. I watched other things (thanks, Netflix and YouTube) instead. My excuse was that I was trying to accomplish stuff, and I couldn’t do that while playing a movie I wanted to watch.
Anyway. I was going to watch it tonight, but it’s been a rough day. I’m not up to it. My self-care tonight is I’m watching Wonder Woman instead.
Really feeling the need for Wonder Woman tonight.
Oh dear. Glad your leg is going to okay. Sorry you had a bad day. *hugs*