I don’t know what’s up with me lately. Remember when I blogged nearly every day? Yeah, probably not. This blog has been dark so often for so long, most anyone who used to read has wandered off.
But I remember. It was a thing that I did! And people read, and talked to me, and we conversed…
This isn’t going to be all whining. I’ll stop, I swear. Consider it an apology. An “I don’t know what happened to me, but I’m trying to get back.”
Here’s what I suspect may be the thing, or at least part of the thing–I spend a lot of time censoring myself lately. Like how I keep thinking I should chop this whole beginning and post something cheerier. After all, no one wants to read my whining. But the more I self-censor, the more I think I don’t actually have anything worth saying.
That’s kind of a death-knell for a writer. It scares me. I know it’s not true, but I still have to push through it because it doesn’t have to be true to stop me from ever successfully writing anything.
So. This is my blog, and it doesn’t actually matter if no one is reading–what matters is that I’m writing. I’ll try to make anything negative also useful or interesting. I’ll do as I always do in my writing–try to make it worth your (and my!) time. But really, my blog is for me. Y’all are welcome on the ride, but it’s my ride.
Buckle up, buttercups. 😉

I’m reading! And I’ve been thinking a lot about self-censorship recently too, though I don’t know what to do about it. But I wanted to let you know that someone was here, I guess.
I’m still here reading! I miss you on Twitter! I haven’t been on there much lately but I’m fixing that soon. Same with my blog – it’s kind of fallen off too. Take care and have a lovely day!
I’m still reading as well (you’re in my feed reader) – and I do remember when you posted daily. And when I posted daily too, for that matter (on several different blogs). Life happens. Things change.
I think it’s fascinating that we keep coming back though. And I think that’s what matters. We have something to say, something to share with the world, whether it’s whiny or cheery or something in between. So we say it – shout it into the void or whatever, and I don’t know about you, but I feel better for it.
You keep posting, and at least two of us will keep reading… 🙂
thanks so much for responding, all of you! You do make me feel better. I will keep posting. <33