I took Friday off work, so I’ve had three days off and I haven’t had time to blog. No, really! I had time to nap, and go grocery shopping, and pull the washing machine out from the wall to figure out why there’s water coming out from under it (and then to put in a service request, sigh.)
Somehow there was time to clean out the chest freezer and defrost it a bit and organize it a lot, but I didn’t have time to blog about it. I happen to think the organizing is genius, though–I had bought plastic crates to sort things into, but they didn’t fit very well. So I grabbed some of our sturdier reuseable grocery bags. Now there’s a bag for meats, a bag for veggies, one for our (large) collection of smoothie-fruit, and one for each household member, since we each buy our own frozen meals and ice cream and such. Since the bags are strong and have good handles, it’s easy to just lift out bags you don’t need, set them down a moment to get what you do need, then put them back.
The roomie and I went to our neighborhood Ace and got lost a lot, which was fun. Came home with glue for the microwave door, and brackets to fix the utensil drawer–but I didn’t have time for those things either.
Today we went to the farmers’ market which was its own brand of fun (and accidentally expensive, but delicious, so I don’t feel all that badly about it.) But I might manage to talk about that tomorrow, so I’ll leave it for now.
In closing, Sprouts’ soup today was a red pepper and smoked gouda soup that is so good. If you see it, get it, and grab a loaf of the green olive and kalamata bread to go with it. You won’t be sorry.