Wow. I did not think it had been that long since I managed to come here…in my defense, though, it’s been a hell of a month. Some was the same as ever–starting school and trying to stay on top of everything to get us going smoothly. Some of it was stuff I’ve never dealt with in a school before, and it was Not Fun.
But I’m here! I’m feeling better than I have in a long time. I set a goal of getting “some” stuff done today, and I managed quite a list. Since it’s after ten (now–I wandered off, oops) I’ll just post that so I can look back and feel good.
Today I–
- filled and ran the dishwasher
- Stripped my bed
- Washed four loads of laundry
- Folded and put away two loads
- Turned my mattress
- Made my bed with other two loads
- Brought the dumpsters back from the street
- Took garbage and recycling out
- Watered the outdoor plants
- Cleared off and rearranged my desk
- Reread first installment of serial (I need to complete the second installment this weekend)
- Cleaned up the kitchen and made the call on some food no one was going to eat
- Moved my mason jar collection to a more accessible cabinet
- Cleaned up the living room some
- Wiped down the back bathroom sink and cleaned the mirror
- Froze the bananas moving towards liquid on the counter
- Took out garbage again
- Put the clean dishes away, put more dirty dishes in the dishwasher
- Cleaned up a trash overflow in the front bathroom (the kid and the roomie aggressively ignore it because neither wants to take it out, and I don’t use that bathroom often so…)
- Budgeted
- Paid Bills
- Took roomie to acquire food
- Wrote a blog post!
Yay, me! Hopefully I’ll get even more done tomorrow. 🙂
Yay you!!! That’s quite a list. 🙂 *sleepily glomps*