I don’t know what you’re talking about. It has absolutely not been two months since my last post.
Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoyed it. I always forget how much I like it until we are giving out candy. I just love to see happy kids, and happy grownups when we offer them candy too.
We give the good stuff at my house, for the record. That mixed bag you saw at Costco with peanut butter cups, snickers, peppermint patties, et cetera? Yeah, I got that. Then I got a bag with M&Ms (original and peanut) too. Then I got a bag of the non-chocolate, for the occasional non-chocolate lover. They do exist! And I want them to have fun too.
Running out of candy is not a thing at my house. That would be tragic.
We always mean to decorate awesomely, but somehow as the roommate is already handing out candy, I’m cutting holes in TP rolls and trying to figure out how to hide glowsticks within. Or I’m handing out candy while the roommate makes an emergency run to the store because we got way more trick-or-treaters than we expected. Or we’re both out on the porch trying to get the seven-foot ghost decoration to stay on the hook while trick-or-treaters advance.
That’s all right. We mean well. And we’re very generous with the candy.
So that’s done. Happy sugar-fied children are back home while their parents try to calm them down and get them to bed.
Now the grownups can break out the good chocolates.
In Other News
Tomorrow is November. It’s NaNo! I may join in late.
TDP has decided to do a call for submissions. If you’ve thought about self-publishing, you should check it out.
If you’re an American citizen and you can vote on Tuesday,* please do. (In many states you can register on Election Day!)
*warning for language on that link, but it amuses me. Also, I swear lots, and yet you’re here, so.