So you may remember I KonMari’d my room (some.) One of the things that I moved out was my office chair. With (a) high arm(s,) it didn’t go under the desk, and the mat that I used to protect the floor got in the way, and the chair was old and missing an arm and… So I decided that I would try using a dining room chair instead, and if I liked it, I’d just buy a nice non-wheeled chair.
Friends, I have tried. At first I kind of liked it. But my feet dangled, and it wasn’t adjustable (obviously) so I stole my stepstool from the kitchen to rest my feet on. But then I didn’t have my stepstool, and I’m short. So lots of moving that around, since it felt silly to buy another. And I keep forgetting and slouching, which makes me hurt. And my hips hurt for some reason.
Meanwhile, my old office chair found its way into the child’s room, and nothing EVER comes back from there.
So will I tough it out and get used to this? Will I buy a new office chair? Will I continue to miss out on a lot of writing time because I wandered away from my desk because various bits hurt?
Hell, I don’t know. But I wanted to not vanish again forever and this is what I’m thinking about, so please to enjoy this blog post.
I’m working on Flame, for the record. I’m trying to turn a story I love into a story lots of people love, and I need to do it by the end of the month.