Nope, despite a few random posts, this has never been and still isn’t a how-to-write blog, and so I’m not about to talk a lot on how to write a book. That can be found all over the internets, and where I got it is where they (most of them) got it, so yeah.

On the left there–that’s Scene & Structure by Jack M. Bickham. Next to it, and the ancestor of it, apparently, is Techniques of the Selling Writer by Dwight V. Swain. Lots of writers credit those two books for their understanding of structure, so I feel I’m in good hands as I attempt to inflict some structure (and suspense, and wonder, and other good things) upon my Flame novella that may be a novel when I’m done, who knows?
The ones in the middle I skimmed for more structure information, since sometimes you have to read the same stuff stated six different ways to get what you need, but they weren’t terribly detailed on what I was looking for (that, or I skimmed right over what I needed.) The two on the right I’ve decided I’ve grown beyond, so they’ll be going to the local used bookstore soon.
Can I say how delightful to feel like I’ve outgrown a writing book? We’ll just see how this book turns out before I crow too much, though.
I’m really fond of my writing-book collection. Most of these covers are like old friends. Some of them, I was astounded to discover as I dug writing books out of every corner of multiple bookcases (see prior post,) I haven’t yet read.
You may be sure I’ll be taking care of that little problem soon. Like, as soon as I send Flame off, because I do not have time to read All The Writing Books before I need to send it. (And also, I may get overwhelmed. It’s very hard to keep writing while reading All The Advice on how not to muck it up.)
So anyway. That’s what I’m up to of late. Oh, and I bought a new-to-me chair. And roomie told me of an office supply store that was closing, so we went. Twice. So far.
Umm…so maybe I should be talking budgeting?