Can you believe it? I got stuff done today I’ve been meaning to do for months.
Okay, one of them was wash my car and the other was put bumper stickers on car after washing, but those things are done now.
Literally. Months.
So. The list.
Stuff I thought of to be added to the list but not done yet
- put a water bottle in back toilet to save water
- Plan out a routine for house cleaning
- plan out a routine for tooth care bc I have got to get better at it
- make a plan to up step count
- Move bills currently auto-paid by bank credit card to the one I always pay in full, so payments to bank credit card go towards balance (I’m aware it’s just an accounting trick and I could just put more money towards that card without moving things, but I think this will make it easier for me to do it.)
- Research and purchase camping gear
- investigate getting dryer duct cleaned
- Make food plan
- Get a haircut
- plan/complete water heater flush
- Research 5-minute bread
- TDP FW page
- TDP Serial Page
- Update TDP front page
- put weather-stripping on doors
- fix gaps at thresholds
- mail friend package
- possibly find a way to deal with fact I can’t turn front hose off?
Planned For Tonight
- Put toilet cleaner in front toilet
- start laundry
- Start dishwasher
Stuff I Did Today
- 2/3rds of palm fronds done picked up, stuffed into dumpster, and gone
- Garbage and recycling taken out
- Dumpsters taken to curb (and all that before I went and got my bloodwork appt done, and thus BEFORE COFFEE OR FOOD bc I am Wonder Woman today apparently)
- Bloodwork appt done
- Car washed ($27! Next time I will know better how to work the thing.) (actually, next time I will probably do automatic. I didn’t want to this time because my Precious was covered in serious bug innards, and I was afraid the automatic one wouldn’t get them all, then would put wax over them!) We even vacuumed and washed the mats!
- Watered outside plants
- Watered inside plants
- Paid the mortgage and a couple other bills, laid out a budget plan for the month
- Saw eegee’s Flavor of the Month is Mango Tango, cursed a bit, and adjusted budget to allow for a few Mango Tangos. (Eegee’s is a huge threat to my budget when they have a flavor I like. I can stay away from cherry pineapple or watermelon, but Orange Dream, Mango Tango, Tangerine Breeze, Lucky Lime, and Pomegranate Blast? Houston, we have a problem. Especially since it’s been a couple YEARS since they had Mango Tango!)
- Moved hose in front yard to plant clearly alive but in need of help. It has a slow drip (that I will also add to the list) so that’s useful.
- toilet paper rolls all recycled
- Vacuum cleaner removed from trunk (don’t ask.)
- dumpsters brought back from curb
New Section For List–Enjoy My Life!
- Went to zoo for Summer Safari Saturday Night, but it was packed so instead I walked around the park
- made step goal, whoo!!
- Went and got a Mango Tango Eegee’s. Yum!

Oh, and did I mention? I EDITED! I finally got past the scene that’s had me stuck for three days! And now I’m gonna go edit some more.
Because I freaking rock.
You go girl! Miss you!
I miss you too! I’ve got mailing your package on the list now, by the way. It’s only a FEW months late for your birthday.