Today’s is not a long list of accomplishments, but some jobs just take longer.

This is the fence in my back yard. The back wall and the west wall are 6 foot cement block walls, but this one has only a chain link fence between us and our (perfectly nice) neighbors. I didn’t care for that, so I bought the grass fencing and started putting it up with zip ties then gave the rest of the job to teenagers who wanted to earn money. Because I’m a doofus. Since they didn’t secure it as well as they needed to, it somewhat immediately began falling back down.
Naturally repeated requests to the teenagers to fix it went unanswered.
Today I spent less than an hour (and sacrificed some blood to a palm frond, which, wth?) and my fence is back UP.

When I was done I texted the teenagers the first picture with “this took me less than an hour. IMAGINE IF TWO PEOPLE HAD BEEN DOING IT. Jerks.” At 7 a.m. Because I can be a jerk too.
Did eight+ hours of work-work, and then I came home and edited. My list of things to do tonight got put off till tomorrow. All this going to bed late and getting up early is catching up with me, so in a few more minutes I’m going to open up the house and turn the fans on, and then I’m going to crawl into bed and work on revising a scene until I fall asleep which probably won’t be long.
Oh, and I’m going to make two mason jar salads in there somewhere. And put the 2nd load of towels in the dryer. But those things aren’t hard, so it’s ALMOST like a night off. Except for the editing. Which is definitely hard.
Right. When the babbling begins (if not before) is an excellent time to say good night. Good night! <3
Maybe I’ll just move the towels, and make the salads in the morning. Oh, and added to the master list:
- Change door knob, front security door
- same, back security door
- check the shed for closet door to replace the one MYSTERIOUSLY BROKEN in the middle of the night when everyone was sound asleep and definitely not roughhousing in the bathroom TEENAGERS
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