List-tackling today did not go well. As my friend Debbie pointed out, growing a list too much makes it overwhelming. Also, the things I was trying hardest to do today–drain and flush the water heater, and fix the hole in the wall–did not really want to be done.
I hurt my arm trying to make the hot water heater behave. And I drew a straight line then cut a diagonal one, trying to fix the hole in the wall. Screw it, on both items. I’m calling a handy-person.
There’s also–and this is embarassing–the fact that my brother texted to tell me he is buying a house. It’s a beautiful house, y’all, with an amazing kitchen and a wall of windows and a lovely pool and a guest house and…and I was perfectly happy with my house and my life before that!
I love my brother. I want him to have a lovely house. I don’t particularly want a big house, and I couldn’t afford a pool, and I don’t need a guest house (well…I could use a guest house. But then the child would NEVER leave, so then again…) Also I live practically across the street from a big park with TWO swimming pools and the zoo and outdoor concerts and lots of free events…
Bah. The fact of the matter is, when I start comparing, what I have is never (rarely) as good as what someone else does. And it’s dumb. And now I’ve spent all day trying to talk myself out of a bad mood that was starting before my brother texted but definitely bloomed when I looked at the pictures.
Bah. Humbug.
Anywhoo. Tomorrow I’m going to text the handy-person that a lot of the people on Next Door seem to like, and see if he can come and deal with the hot water heater my little lady hands can’t get to cooperate. (Literally–there’s a ball valve to turn off the cold water, and I can’t make it turn properly. Liquid Wrench didn’t help much, and now I can’t even turn it back to where it was. Doesn’t help that I have to stand on a stool and reach behind the hot water heater because WHY ARE MEN?? Do they think women won’t ever need to reach stuff??)
If I like handy-person and his work, I’ll have him look at the other stuff needing doing, and take it all off my list and add “pay handy-person” to the list and there we’ll go.
Right now I’m going to go make breakfasts for the week (still got curry for a few lunches!) and then I’m going to crawl into bed and watch Captain Marvel.
I mean, right after I make my bed, because I ~did~ strip it and turn the mattress today. Yay.
Hell, I might even pay someone to come in and do the cleaning stuff on the list, too. If they want the money, and I don’t want to do it more than I want the money…