Every year. I make big but reasonable plans to get this year off to a good start. I’ll make healthy breakfast and lunch, I’ll get enough sleep, I’ll plan it all and it will be fine.
Meal-planning is much like novel research. It’s just so easy to wander off and find yourself an hour later looking at adorable Avengers memes and you still haven’t found another meatless option* that you think you’d like to eat that also won’t take too much work or too much buying of groceries, so you go back and start looking and then you find you’ve been reading “How to Clean That Thing and Why You Should!” articles for an hour.
It’s especially easy to wander off and waste the whole night laughing at a “weird shit my dog ate” thread on Twitter when you’re already freaking exhausted.
But you know what isn’t easy when you’re really tired? Remembering what you were going to say, to make it an actual blog post instead of a few paragraphs of babble. So, yeah. Anywhoo…possibly more brain next time. <3
*I admire vegetarians. I don’t think I’ll ever be one, since the second I declare meat off-limits I just know I’ll be dying for a burger. But I can do meatless two or three times a week and grow from there! If I can just find stuff that sufficiently resembles food. >_>
Hmmm, is a link to vegetarian recipes helpful or otherwise? These are from that crockpot lady I like so much. Although I don’t really do vegetarian myself, so I have no particular recommendations from this list. But if you skip the soups, it gets more manageable. I can’t imagine you’re much in the mood for not soup this time of year. … Although I’m really enjoying the chicken dumpling soup my mom made a few days ago,so what do I know?
*sends much love, and as much energy as I could find* Most of it was in scraps behind the sofa cushions. The energy that is, not the love. THAT I’ve got plenty of.
Ummm, and here’s the link. >_>