It is a sad sad fact, that the more stuff one has, the harder it is to rearrange the furniture. Stuff collects, you see. Magically. It just appears. Out of nowhere. And then it sits there, in the way of moving things around.
Related: if persons are going to rearrange the furniture, they should do it BEFORE a number of things are stored in the middle of the room in which they wish to move the things.
These hypothetical persons might also wish to measure the room and the furniture to figure out how things will best work, before they start shoving stuff everywhere and then having to play Tetris, trying to fit everything into the room in ways that will work for all the users of the room.
One other thing (I’m totally not one of) these people should do, is find the furniture moving slidey things, instead of carrying the furniture to protect the floor.
Oh, also? In case you didn’t know, dusting is prey behavior.