Sooooo…I’m doing NaNo.
“But KD! You can’t even blog regularly! You have to do the copy edit on Flame and get ready to publish December 15th! You haven’t even found time to hang the Halloween decorations yet!”
yeah, okay to all that. I’m still doing NaNo. I haven’t written anything on a fun deadline (as opposed to “you’re already late, ZOMG!” ) in ages.
I just wanna write a flippin’ book, y’all. Not even that. I just wanna write. I want to write a story about a boy and another boy and maybe a girl, and I just want to enjoy writing without the serious “hurry up hurry up hurry up.”
So I’ll be writing a story for me. All my stories are for me, at first, so it’s not that selfish. Eventually I’ll probably make it for other people too.
I’m really excited. I’m setting it in Alaska, a place I’ve always wanted to go. It’s contemporary romance(ish) so I don’t have to make up a magic system or do a lot of world-building, just a bunch of research and some outright theft.
Oh, and I need to come up with a bit more plot than I have. Considering about all I have now is a list of tropes to cram in there, and maybe a few scenes…
Pining. Definitely planning on pining. Also found family, because I love that trope.
And there will be moose.
Yay, writing!!! *huggleflomps*
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