I know, I know…I show up, I announce I’m back, maybe I post a few more times, and then I vanish for months. You can’t see, but I am hanging my head in shame.
I’m not going to promise not to vanish again. I’ve got some plans to get myself in a better headspace so I can be here more, but I’ve made enough promises. we’ll just see how things go.
So, umm…new book! I’m very proud. Especially that I managed to produce it on time (mostly) with how well I’ve been (not) getting things done lately.
Also, KD Plays with Blocks!
Yeah, so WordPress has these new(ish) fun things to do in the block editor, so I’m writing a blog post and checking that out.

Coulda poked a bit at this before I published–oh wait, I did, and it kept not doing what I wanted. Obviously more experimentation is in order. Whee!
oh wow. it is SERIOUSLY easy to do some things I have in the past fought for hours to be able to do…okay. REALLY some experimentation needs to happen. might even be time for a blog redesign! It has been quite some time…
- List, you say?
- Well, I never struggled to do that, but this is fine
- I’m not gonna complain, you know?
- yep, it’s a list.
Bucking thousands of years of tradition, Flame ran away from her elven heritage, her glorious destiny, and her arranged marriage. Now she’s an expert treasure-finder in the human world, one job away from buying out her indenture and setting up a tower somewhere full of pretty things and pretty men.
Just one more job–but her employer doesn’t know exactly what they’re questing for, and also the world has changed since his map was drawn. Flame can handle all that with her usual sarcasm and skill, but when her intended husband turns up at the fateful meeting of the moons, ready to fulfill his destiny and help her save the world, she really just wants to run again.
All Flame really wants to do is nothing, but failure in the quest means a price on her head. Failure in the world-saving would be even worse.
Why can’t everyone, fate included, just leave her alone?
KD Sarge, blurb for Flame Isfree and the Feather of Fate
Hmm, looks like I can’t do a multi-paragraph quote without it looking funny? Well, whatever.
Bucking thousands of years of tradition, Flame ran away from her elven heritage, her glorious destiny, and her arranged marriage. Now she’s an expert treasure-finder in the human world, one job away from buying out her indenture and setting up a tower somewhere full of pretty things and pretty men.
Just one more job–but her employer doesn’t know exactly what they’re questing for, and also the world has changed since his map was drawn. Flame can handle all that with her usual sarcasm and skill, but when her intended husband turns up at the fateful meeting of the moons, ready to fulfill his destiny and help her save the world, she really just wants to run again.
All Flame really wants to do is nothing, but failure in the quest means a price on her head. Failure in the world-saving would be even worse.
Why can’t everyone, fate included, just leave her alone?
oh hello!
okay, that’s a little…BIG, but it’s a work in progress.
So NaNo didn’t work out. I was just too stressed at all the stuff I needed to do for Flame, to get anywhere on my NaNovel once the initial rush wore off. I’m not giving up on that story, though! It will happen. Hopefully. Eventually.

okay, it’s late and I’m a bit punch-drunk from busting a$$ to get Flame out on time. Also a bit drunk-drunk, since my amazing roomie made cider and I added rum to it because yum (but I’m a wimp so it doesn’t take much to get my ears tingling.) Yes, that is one of those holiday mugs from Long John Silvers way back when.
Good night, friends