It’s not been a great day. I don’t want to wallow in the negative, though. The more I do that, the worse things seem, and who needs that? So I’m gonna do #3GoodThings.
So. I’m grateful for my house. I love my house. It is not big, but it is big enough. It’s cute. It’s mine. I have a room that is painted a lovely green by my awesome roomie. It has a comfy bed in it, that I bought and enjoy. I have a TV as big as is feasible, and it shows me my nature documentaries and favorite movies in great definition. Also in my house is aforementioned awesome roomie, one of the cutest lions ever to stalk a savanna, a goofy but sweet dog (aka, the antelope, stalked on aforementioned savanna) and my kid, home for Christmas (if she doesn’t up and leave because it’s more fun at her friend’s house.)
Some lions are annoyed by cameras. Trust me. Antelope.
I’m grateful for a super-easy and tasty dinner, on an evening we didn’t feel up to cooking but we’re trying to avoid going out as much (and we just did that yesterday, while running a ton of errands.) We tried these Thai Peanut Ramen Noodles, and dinner was tasty. Next time I will add less sesame oil, though, because it did kind of overwhelm the rest. But as I said–tasty! And easy. And pretty good comfort food, too, without nearly as much sodium as just making a pack of ramen would have given us.
Cookies. It’s that time of year! One of my parents (at my school) remembered that I made an offhand mention ages ago of the awesome that is snickerdoodles, and brought me An Amount of them. So I’ve got 1) snickerdoodles 2) lots of snickerdoodles, and 3) someone who thinks enough of me to remember my favorite (homemade) cookie and bring me bunches of them months later.
That’s pretty good, y’know?
Look at that. Each of my three things actually has at least three things/reasons. Guess the world doesn’t suck so much as I thought.
I would LOVE to read your #3GoodThings if you’d care to share.