Time Blunders On

Another long and not very productive day. The lady who was supposed to adopt our rats did not come, and I can’t find where I wrote her phone number. I was late to work because I had no energy to make the munchkin get ready this morning. I took lunch to get my hubby’s living arrangements straightened around, and ended up waiting over an hour for absolutely nothing. And I didn’t get lunch!

Fortunately, the wonderful and darling Tali had bought pizza for the office staff. ((Tali)) So on my return, I was able to scarf something that argued with me the rest of the afternoon. (But it was good going down.)

At one point today I found myself trying to explain to an 8th grader that the reason she was marked tardy yesterday was because she did not get to class on time. I’m not sure what her argument was, I didn’t understand. She did admit that she was not in class when the bell rang, because she was in the bathroom fixing her hair. But for some reason, she felt she should not have been marked tardy.

Yes, folks, that was an 8th grader. And that’s pretty indicative of my day.

Now I’m going to see if I have any of the munchkin’s Easter candy still stashed somewhere, and take it and a cup of decaf and my red pen to the couch, and get something worthwhile done. Farewell, blog world!

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