So there’s a puppy.

Apparently some dumbass was giving away puppies outside a grocery store. Puppies, I will note, who should not have been away from their mothers yet. Kid’s friend accepted a puppy, got her home, and realized she was in over her head. Puppy was only four weeks old.
My kid and I have fostered bottle baby kittens for the Humane Society, so we’ve taken the training classes, which of course aren’t differentiated between puppies and kittens. That means she knew what to do.
So yeah. Puppy.

Her name is Cricket. Think this.
She eats a lot. She sleeps a lot.
She is rather violent towards penguins.
Also towards randomly-encountered feet.
She is smol, and round, and walks like a potato.
Not sure yet if she’s staying. The deal is, if the kid shows she can take care of both puppy and current dog PROPERLY, then Cricket can stay. If not, when Cricket is old enough to be adopted, we will put her up for adoption. I have zero worries about her finding a loving home quickly.
But in the meantime…smol. Round. Cuddly. I get to be grandma–snuggle when she’s cute, hand her back to mom when she’s stinky. And I get to keep pointing out to kid just how hard single motherhood is–just in case she was thinking of trying it with a human anytime soon.
What could possibly be better?
Right?? She’s *ridiculously* cute.