
Not about writing, at least not to start. Here goes.

Why do people feel compelled to drop in on a suicide survivors’ group and start preaching about how our loved ones are in hell? What possible good could these people think they’re doing?

News flash, folks–the ONLY possible effect you can have on those left behind, is to hurt us. Believe it or not, our loved ones did not ask us how we felt about them committing suicide, in most cases. And guess what? In the rare instance where they did ask, I’ll bet you all our members begged them not to die. So why are you trying to hurt us?

As for those in our group–no, I won’t name it, it’s my place and I need to be free to talk there–as for those in our group who are considering suicide, get a clue. If they aren’t afraid of dying, they aren’t afraid of hell. They think they’re already there, and nothing you can say, you who really know nothing of anything anyway, is going to change that. We’ll take care of them as best we can, and try to keep them with us. You go preach somewhere else. Go do someone some actual good.

And for the record, no, I do not believe my husband is in hell. Chris went through his hell here. He’s safe now.

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