(So apparently I wrote this back in May, all the way through adding a meme, and then never posted? screw that. No writing is ever wasted. Also, it saves me finishing a post today. –KD, 10/24/20 )
And it’s the last week at home, but I don’t want to think about that. Yeah, I’ve really enjoyed being home for six weeks (aside from the whole global pandemic and people dying and all, of course) but it’s way more than that.
It’s the whole global pandemic and people dying and all. Like so many parts of the country, my area has not followed the science. We are not safe, we are all just (apparently) pretending that we are. So I have to go back to work on Monday.
Well, hell.
For the last week I’ve been telling myself it will be fine. Yes, I’m front desk, but not that many people come in, especially as school will not be resuming in-person (it’d be silly, last day of the school year is next week!) My lobby, which I not-lovingly refer to as THE CAVERN, is pretty big. I share it with one other person, who has spent years working in medical settings so she’s very cognizant of how to protect herself and me.
Probably, it will be fine. But.
- I don’t want to go back, only to get furloughed again when this thing comes roaring back, as it is pretty darn likely to do.
- Nothing and no one is perfect. No matter how careful people are (and some of my coworkers are NOT,) there are still risks.
- It feels like reckless endangerment. Hey, yeah, come on in! We’re reopened because it’s safe! Never mind my face mask, get back to life as usual, it’ll be fine! There’s no shark, get back in the water!
Doesn’t really matter how I feel about it though, does it? That’s how it’s set up. They get to tell me to go back to work, and I have to go, or stop having the ability to pay my bills.
Whatever. And now for something completely different…

I’m still working on my book! Yay, me! 67k words, only 22k of it already acknowledged as being garbage! (I’m working on learning to plan in order to minimize that. Still. Always. But whatever–45k good-ish words!)
Working title is Paranormality (because when I look back on my blog, I like being able to identify what I was working on when) and Anton and Lammie are just as much fun as when I began. Currently I’m at the end of Act Two, about to tear the world down around them, bwahahahaa…
Of course, my pace will slow when I have to go back to work, but that’s the least of my worries, really.
Stay safe, friends. <3