This was my first week back at work, and my coworkers, God love ’em, are not wearing masks. Luckily in my office I have a good amount of space around me, a desk that blocks casual access, and a chair that scoots back when people get too close. So far they think it’s funny, but that’s better than getting annoyed.
It’s hard for me to be consistent about anything ever, but I wear my mask every day and remind myself that even if (when) I have a day that I don’t care if I get it, I will never not care about bringing it home.
As is common in the life of an office manager, I came back to a very messy desk full of stuff. Some of it was very strange. This is also normal.

My garden plants are growing, but tragically the bugs have found them. I am hopeful I can win this battle, but we’ll see. The forces arrayed against me are impressive!
The book-writing goes on. I went back and did scene cards (Scene: Goal, Conflict, Disaster. Sequel: Reaction, Dilemma, Decision) and realized in the doing what I already knew–the beginning was really floppy, because as I wrote it I had no idea where I was going. I have a little better idea now, and I need that foundation, so I wrote some scenes for the beginning. That will probably do for now–so it’s onwards I go, fixing the structure problems revealed by my scene cards. And THEN, if all goes according to plan (lol) I’ll write the third act, and THEN go back and do a smoothing edit before it goes off to the first editor.

I’m really enjoying this book, y’all. And I’m happy to be finally treating my writing like it matters again. Write-ins morning and night, even on work days, because as I think Maya Angelou said, nothing works unless you do.
Maybe nothing will come of it. But it won’t be because I’m not doing my part.
Also Anton and Lammie are GREAT FUN. Why wouldn’t I want to work on this?