
Grr. Why are professed Christians some of the most intolerant people you’ll ever meet? For the record, I’m with Crocodile Dundee–me and God, we be mates. Just so you know where I’m coming from, when I say some of these people really need to dig a little deeper into those big ole books they’re always thumping.

Here’s my philosophy of life, and I happen to think it covers everything. “Love God.” And “Love your neighbor.” Neighbor being anyone sharing this planet with me, for definition’s sake. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Jesus said if we did those two things, we had it down, right?

I think He made it simpler ’cause there are so many folks out there who couldn’t handle ten things to remember. I’m one of them, I couldn’t list the ten to save my life.

But it’s a darned shame so many people can’t even manage two.

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