Waking up sneezy and a teeny bit congested is even less fun than it used to be. Is this allergies or is this something else? challenge 2020.
However! Today in gardening news:

One of my zucchini plants has a flower! I’m so excited. Roomie has been taking over the house with her sourdough starter, but now…now I begin to fight back with my wild zucchini horde.
(I am not actually complaining. Roomie’s sourdough starter has been a wonderful addition to the family. No, it’s not standing behind me right now.)

Work continues on the paranormal book. I’m doing a sloppy edit now, in hopes of not making it any more of a mess than it already is as I go on. (and in hopes of figuring out Act III before I land in it. >_> )
Work-work goes on as well, sigh. It’s not that I don’t love my job. Well, right now? I don’t love my job. But I am damned good at it, and I’m sorely needed RIGHT NOW to get things set up for next school year, so I’ll try to be glad I’m back despite the jerks not wearing masks jokingly coughing as they come near me.
On the bright side, they are installing a sneeze guard around my desk. SOME people at my work are taking this seriously.
Monday my new principal starts. I’m super sad about my last principal, because I loved working with her. But that’s been the case for all my principals at this school so far, so I’m hopeful new principal will be a joy to work with too. (And trying not to think that I’m about due for a not-great principal. >_> ) (But hey, if that turns out to be the case, maybe I’ll finally be glad I’m so isolated from the rest of the school in this new location! Bright side!)
Anyway. Off to my to-do list. Whee.