Gimli speaks for me too

Argh. Grr. (search “The Very Secret Diaries”, if you really want to know. Don’t bother if you don’t have a sense of humor, rank the Lord of the Rings up there with the book of your faith, or have anything unbendable stuck anywhere.)

The eagerly-awaited volume one did not arrive today, while volume two sits behind me, out of sight but still calling out to be read. Argh.

Hope had a horrible day at school, involving standing on furniture, yelling, and a long talk with the principal, for her and for me. Grr.

My cat thinks I am a scratching post. Still. Argh.

My dog’s allergies sometimes make him hack till he pukes. Grr.

The word count on Rafe and Taro has not gone up significantly in days. Argh.

But on the other hand, it’s Friday. Whee!

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