The last zucchini has died. I should write a mournful obit like I did for the kid’s frogs that one time (Here) but I’m not feeling it.

Everything in my (small, container) garden is dying. All that’s left are a few wisps of green of carrots that might have survived the caterpillars, but can’t seem to put out some leaves, the famous three-leaved pepper plant (still four inches tall! After MONTHS!) and four tomato plants which…tomato plants are the ones that are difficult, aren’t they? So I’m sure something will swoop in and eat them at some point. >.<
This is supposed to be EASY. You do the stuff, the food grows. It’s a celebration of life! It’s a middle finger to the despair of the world! It’s self-supporting, world-saving, and EASY!
Yeah, no.
I mentioned recently that I was tired of taking care of the plants and they should just die already. I didn’t mean that exactly. I meant if they were GOING to die, they should get it over with. Choose now, and do it. Because I’m tired of hoping.
I am, alas, world weary.
Luckily, the next obsession is right around the corner, so I’ll be all enthused about SOMETHING again soon.
*hugs hugs hugs* Mean old plants and pests.
thank you. Stupid bugs! Whiner plants! grr!