And that’s part of the problem–on a lovely (because it exists, not because of the weather, which is HOT) weekend, the possibilities are endless–so they can wait. There are boundaries, of course, of time and money and weather (did I mention it’s HOT?) and the current pandemic–but within those boundaries, I still could never name all the things that I could do with this weekend.
I could dust my room, I could sweep my room, I could finally do the thing in the back bathroom to make a trellis for my plant that keeps growing. I could trim the plant in the front bathroom that doesn’t seem happy no matter what. I should find more carp to give away. I should better organize the carp I insist on keeping. I need to get rid of food we’re not going to eat, and find food I’ve forgotten we have. And oh dear lork, I need to sweep the kitchen floor.
There’s that book I just started. Avatar is on Netflix, and I’ve been meaning to watch that for years, and Korra is coming if not already there, so I should watch Avatar so I can watch Korra. I still have those movies I got from the library in *COUGH* so I should watch and return those.
What’s my plan for food for the week? Last week was a lot of last minute scrambling that resulted in eating out several times; I need to do something about that. Plan, then cook.
Of course, there’s the writing. I’ve been very very VERY slowly doing a sloppy edit of the manuscript that got half-way then crashed because I didn’t know where it was going and I brilliantly thought an edit would help. I definitely want to spend a lot of time on THAT this weekend.
Protesting is a thing needing doing. I need to call all my representatives at every level, and also write some letters. And some postcards. Bc eff this sh!t.
Rudely the weekend, unlike the possibilities, has an end. But we don’t think about that. It’s depressing and causes Godzilla-stomping. So by necessity my perception of the weekend stretches on before me into eternity, or I’ll get nothing done at all.
The problem with that, of course, is when you’ve got All Eternity to do All the Things…why on earth would you start NOW?
Yeah. I’ll let you know how things go.